Friday, July 27, 2007

Langholm Common Ride

Langholm, crazy little town, very pretty. I missed the main event called the common ride which is very historic, they ride around the town boarders and through the streets by horse back, but was able to photograph the other events. All and all not a bad day but much of it was spent traveling.


Anna Edwards said...

The one of the crown is really neat.
Keep shooting, buster. I'm pushing you. : )

Lauri said...

the crown is really neat. I like the two guys in the booth, too. All dressed up , in a funny little booth, talking like its day

Sandy's witterings said...

I lived in Langholm and I can well believe that if you arrived there on the last Friday in July for the Common Riding, you would have found it a crazy wee town. It's crazier in the morning.
You floral crown and brollies says a lot about the town.
Enjoy China